Slimming mesotherapy

It is one of the new ways to reduce fat.

This treatment method is a suitable alternative to lipomatics.

Slimming mesotherapy is performed by injecting different drugs into the areas that have localized obesity and cellulite, and this reduces fat and cellulite in the desired areas.

Slimming mesotherapy

According to statistics, with the help of slimming mesotherapy, many clients can reduce their size by 3 to 13 cm in the desired area.

Of course, this method must be accompanied by a proper diet. However, mesotherapy can help dissolve excess deposits in many parts of the body and even eliminate cellulite.

Slimming mesotherapy is effective and used for different areas, such as the face, abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms and other areas.

How is slimming mesotherapy performed?

This is an injection method in which a combination of mesotherapy drugs is injected under the skin with the doctor’s diagnosis.

All these drugs are licensed by Iran and (FDA). Because mesotherapy is done with special and very small needles, there is very little pain, however, the doctor may numb the skin with anesthetic creams before injection. A numb position.

All stages of slimming mesotherapy take between 10 and 20 minutes.

Slimming mesotherapy

The injected substances break the fat cells in the treated area and lyse them.

The lysed fats are removed from the body after a few weeks through the digestive system. In general, all people between 18 and 70 years old who have no problems in terms of diseases can use this procedure.

Facial slimming mesotherapy is not recommended for those using blood thinners, those with heart problems, pregnant women, people with diabetes, cancer patients, and other special medical conditions.

What are the side effects ?

This method is one of the non-invasive methods and may have very few and transient side effects, which of course must be done under the supervision of a doctor and the side effects include:

  • * nausea
    * the pain
    * allergy
    * Swelling
    * itching
    * Red
    * Bruising
    * Bump at the injection site

Care after slimming mesotherapy

  • Among the things that must be observed after mesotherapy are:
  • * Do not massage unless prescribed by a doctor
    * Do not have heavy activity or diarrhea until 24 hours later
    * Do not be exposed to sunlight or extreme heat for 72 hours after injection
    * Avoiding alcohol consumption
    * To reduce swelling, use a cold compress

What are the results of slimming mesotherapy and when do they appear?

Usually, after a month and about 4 mesotherapy sessions, we will see a reduction in size.

Slimming mesotherapy

The last word:

Mesotherapy is a slimming aid method, and in Aref Clinic, after consultation by the doctor, the best combined methods are suggested depending on the desired area and individual conditions, which you can definitely use in addition to the proper diet provided by the nutritionist at Aref Clinic.


*** Aref Clinic started its activity in 2015 under the supervision of dermatologists and hair and nutrition consultants and is proud.

in the field of beauty (skin rejuvenation (profilo, mesotherapy, thread lift, microlining, thread skin rejuvenation), excess skin laser (Alexandrite device, diode device), gel and boot gel injection (and injection and Botox), mole removal, skin Facial (skin cleansing and hydration) and blepharoplasty

And in the field of slimming services, including: obesity and slimming regimen for athletes and patients, as well as the use of the latest slimming aids, including cryolipolysis (freezing of patients), cavitation (slimming with ultrasonic patients), RF device, mesotherapy/embedding… Dear ones.

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