Slimming with medicine


So far, many drugs have been used for weight loss, some of which were effective and some were ineffective.
Liraglutide is the first injectable drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which has a significant effect on weight loss in a short period of time without the use of diet.
Of course, this drug is also used to help control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
It must be taken into account that this drug must be started and continued under the supervision of a doctor to reach the effective weight loss dose.


Slimming with medicine


How to take the medicine:

The drug is used as an injection with very fine needles in the area around the navel or arm
First, the intended injection site is cleaned with alcohol, and then the doctor or nurse injects the prescribed dose
Because the injection is done with very fine needles, it is not painful at all


Like many other drugs, liraglutide is contraindicated in some people, including:
Type 1 diabetes
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Familial thyroid gland
MEN2 disease


Slimming with medicine

Slimming with medicine


The most common complication in patients is digestive intolerance due to nausea, which of course can be controlled with the help of a doctor.


The first injectable drug approved by the Food and Drug Organization is Liraglutide, which has a significant effect on weight loss in Aref Skin and Slimming Center under the supervision of a doctor and a nutritionist, along with other slimming methods.


*** Aref Clinic started its activity in 2015 under the supervision of dermatologists and hair and nutrition consultants and is proud.

in the field of beauty (skin rejuvenation (profilo, mesotherapy, thread lift, microlining, thread skin rejuvenation), excess skin laser (Alexandrite device, diode device), gel and boot gel injection (and injection and Botox), mole removal, skin Facial (skin cleansing and hydration) and blepharoplasty

And in the field of slimming services, including: obesity and slimming regimen for athletes and patients, as well as the use of the latest slimming aids, including cryolipolysis (freezing of patients), cavitation (slimming with ultrasonic patients), RF device, mesotherapy/embedding… Dear ones.

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